#TBT: Amanda enroute to Newfoundland

In honor of upcoming Mother's Day AND ‪#‎TBT‬, a picture of me (Amanda) and my mom, taken by my dad (I'm pretty sure!): 1981, on the CN Ferry, en route from Sydney, Nova Scotia to Argentia, Newfoundland. The journey had already been long, driving from Boston, MA, where I was born, to the ferry port of Sydney, where we boarded what Filipinos call the "ri-ro" (i.e. "ride on, ride off," a term referring to ferries that have holding areas where you can drive your cars onto and off from). Having traveled when I was less than a year old, I have little memory of this trip, but some lovely pictures: the stories come from my mom (and my dad can correct any facts I've misinterpreted). Happy #TBT!